Thursday 21 June 2012


Philosophers, scientists have always claimed that mankind differ from other animals by possessing the sixth sense, but when someone raises the question out of inquisitiveness, that what is this sixth sense that humans claim, then the very people who coined such a term are left clueless. Answers to questions such as purpose of human's existence, life after death, the interpretation of the sixth sense, origin of universe human being, etc have perturbed people since time immemorial. Our ancestors in the previous eras have at least undertook various pilgrimage with an intention of discovering answers to such questions, but the time we live in, people have either given up hope or deluded themselves that they are going to live forever in their temporal mortal forms forever to accumulate wealth power and fame.

Self-discovery is attributed to self-realization or enlightenment and surfeit of other words which differ from 
one religion to the other. Before attaining enlightenment various religious god heads like Ramanuja, Adi Shankara, Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Mahavir, Muhammad (SAW) wanted to make sense of the world and their existence. They also felt turmoil in their soul after witnessing the condition of life being unfavorable with death agony disease and so they searched for the answers for their dilemma through pilgrimage or quest. Also, every form of God (avatars), Goddess, Messengers, Prophets, Saints were not born enlightened, but its only after undergoing a minimum of 12 years rigorous trance (Think about it Lord Jesus, Buddha, Shri Ram, Sri-Krishna, Guru Nanak , Moses and all the others would have undergone a minimum of 12 years detour from their normal way of life) under the guidance of their divine Master(/Angle/Guru/God many more names from various religion) they became enlightened and conquered death. If divine beings themselves had to undertake such an arduous path then, why should any saint and religious leaders of today's world who wants to understand god and attain salvation be any different?

Take for example if some one aspires to becoming a scientist or an authority of science then, one needs to get a recognized degree from an authorized university but, just think how cruel it is for the common men to imagine that to understanding God or the creator of universe, the very fact which baffles even science requires magic, a dream where God comes and enlightens you overnight, a trance where only darkness surrounds as you close your eyes. Men have always associated a veil of mysteriousness in the God head's divine parables, their teachings and their way of life. The original author of religious scriptures did not deliberately render their verses in a cryptic fashion but, it seems so because over these years, the impostors have complicated the verses as they extrapolated the message to accumulate money and fame. Just as science requires sincerity and practicality from it's student, so does spirituality. Is it not true that every scripture insist a devotee to discover oneself to attain salvation/Nirvana/Mukthi/etc? Since people are too much engulfed in the material world, they never have time to understand the path to self-discovery and the impostors use this ignorance as an advantage to further deceive them with unwarranted claims about self discovery.

The basic emphasis of all the major religion of the world is that when man was first created in his mortal form to inherit earth, God decided to sow the seed of divine, mystic and devotional worship in his heart, to transform him into a celestial being so as to help him reap the fruits of his devotion and finally obtain nirvana/salvation/Jhannath/etc.  However man's very sins (Karma) that condemned him to live his life on earth makes him oblivious of this divine object that his heart bears. Christians call this object by the names sacred heart, the Muslims by the name Noor, the Buddhist  by the name Om mani and as far as the Hindus are concerned the very name of their God Venkatajalapathi (ven-pure,Katam-body, Jalampathi- he who lives on parkadal)when interpreted states that he who created heaven lives in ones heart. If a person wishes to get hold of his divine object (embodiment of God that is present inside one's heart which  removes Maya and annihilates the cycle of rebirth) then one must seek the benediction of the chosen savant of one's time, who alone can take him aboard on divine chariot to reveal his/her heart's hidden treasure evidently without any doubt and it is only after witnessing such a capability from a person can he be called the chosen savant of an age.    

Holy men have been visiting earth for the redemption of human souls form the evil clutches of Death and they were able to do this for a follower as long as he had faith in them and followed their gospels or teachings that propagated the above basic message. The day this fails and people start to forget or misunderstand the above message, they incarnate again to redeem their teachings under a different name, religion and mortal form and when this happens the act of faith is now naturally associated only with their current mortal form and not the previous as those devotees alone appreciate and practice the basic message of all religions. This is just like saying, when a new president is elected, all your petitions needs to be directed to the new president provided if you truly aspire to get your petition implemented. In other words think about it, if every religion claim that God is one then why did God create so many religions or ways to salvation, did he want his followers to get confused and live astray?

If one accepts my above reasoning then by what means do we undertake to find the preceptor of our age? Should we associate him to a person who wears the attire of holy men? or to a person who lives by alms like a vagabond, or to cunning person who distributes money generously from his devotees offerings or to a person who does tricks like a magician or to a person who interprets texts from sacred books like a mundane scholar or to person who bestows you with temporal happiness like money, fame and power. These attributes can deceive a vacuous theist but not a rational atheist or theist. The only attribute essential for your spiritual teacher is to possess the ability to literally take you aboard on a divine chariot to heaven that is within your heart. These acts are not something new to spirituality but have taken place in the life of all Holy men who have conquered death. Hinduism speaks of God's incarnations like Ram,  Muruga, Ganapathi,Kali riding divine chariots like Garuda, Peacock, Rat, Tiger respectively to attain heaven. Islam claims that their Prophet rode a mystic chariot known as “Burahk” to reach heaven. Christianity recognizes the second coming of Jesus  form heaven by riding a gleaming white horse and many other religions with their many such claims regarding their chosen savant riding their respective divine chariot.  Do note that the commandment from all scriptures that needs to be  followed for conquering death is not always to witness heaven with such holy men but to just possess immense faith in such holy men.

Beyond the conscious state, there is the sleep world and beyond that there is another region, the threshold of which can never be reached by sleep. And that region is that of the highest mental and spiritual illumination, where arises the unceasing seven-fold music, which the more and more one hears, the more and more one loss, one’s self in divine ecstasy. This truth has been symbolically represented here (at Meivazhi Salai) by the blowing of seven trumpets.This grand process is now being manifested here in full and the ecstasy and rapture produced thereby represented by the reverberating melody of the Deva Dundhumis and the divine dance performed in tune with it.

Thus it will be seen that this place where virtuous and arduous deeds are practiced by the self-realized; liberated and purified souls called Anandars, have descended from the unseen world in all its fullness, perfection of intelligence and peak of beauty. So, it may now be proclaimed that this world will surely and certainly realize that this is the only true, spiritual and sacred city for the age. Suffice it is to say that in this city of justice called “Meivazhi Salai” is inherited by people drawn from different caste, religion, creed and community who have taken rebirth in the spiritual body and developed themselves in the spiritual path. None, not even one, whose heart has not been illumined lives here.

Just as a small needle is embedded in the vast and deep ocean, even so is this small city of truth in the wide expanse of the world. Hence, it is very difficult for mundane people to visualize the existence of such a place. So they are right within the limits of their knowledge in describing the search for it as a vain effort but, such a divine place does, in fact, exist at the present time, though it may be beyond the reach of those who crave for mere mundane joy and pleasure.

All that I am trying to emphasis in this publication is the message that Science can be taught only by a scientist and if an artist make this effort in a prolonged fashion  it not only ruins an adherent's understanding about science, but also causes slow death to science itself. Similarly as acknowledged by all religious scriptures, spirituality can be comprehended only with a guidance of a chosen savant yet, man believes in doing the converse and sometimes falls prey to bogus masters, leading to fear of death and ignorance of life. There goes a universal truth that life is short but if there is an afterlife as promised by all religions, then it’s going to be a very long one indeed. So search for all your unexplored answers at MEIVAZHI SALAI before your time runs out and don't be a living example for the Buddha's warning, "All that man does is prepare and prepare but go unprepared for the next word" 


  1. dear Brother,
    I must say that, your article on the topic of true path indeed a great effort to the mankind. Such effort should continue so that people can reach to the lost truth.

    As much as your imformation is a eye opener to the world outside here, I suggest that you should also contact any enlighten anandars whom had trichea for the Holy's Andarvargal whom i believe can be a great help for you and the people outside here to understand the exact meaning of andarvargals teaching that was reduced in his four books in simple tamil so that you can translate it in simple English for it to be posted on the web.

    Should you need help on identifying the said anandar i am always contactable via my email:


  2. Dear Siva Chidambaram, You are doing a beautiful work. Can you pl call me :) .. 9445558640 /

  3. Dear brother, how shall i reach you - any contact modes... mail / mobile.. - Saalai Kannan (9940391834)


    With this pic i keep searching you for years dear brother... why don't you contact back. (Saalai Kannan 9940391834)

    "பெரும் பாதை செல்லும் உங்களுக்குப் பெரும் தோள் வலிமை வேண்டும் என்றே எம்முடைய எல்லாப் பாடும்" என்ற தேவபிரான் திருவாக்கை னினைவில் கொண்டு - அடியேனை அழைக்கவும்.

    அன்புடன் சாலை கண்ணன்
