Thursday 21 June 2012


Meivahi salai:

Meivazhi (Tamil: மெய்வழி) meaning “The true path”, is a monotheistic religion which maintains an ashram established at pudukkottai district in Tamil Nadu, India in the year 1942. Its focus is to elevate follower's spiritual enlightenment and conquer the death through the teachings and example of its founder and spiritual leader, Shri Brahma Prakasa Salai Andavargal, believed to be the incarnation of God himself awaited by all religious Holy Scriptures and said to have lived for 120 years. Meivazhi has its own Holy Scriptures that runs over 7 volumes written in local language, Tamil by its founder and has its own prayer system which shuns the practice of idolatry worship and spiritual festivals which commemorates the founder’s sacred history and his path to enlightenment. The embodiment of MEIVAZHI is in the person of His Holiness Meivazhi Salai Andavargal, the Preceptor of Meivazhi, who proves and upholds all the holy teachings of all the GOD - sent apostles, the moola manthrams, the crest jewels of all the religions in the world (the Word, the Kalima, the Pranava, the Spirit, the Voice of God) and the mystic truths set forth in the symbols and parables of Holy Books. The holy cult meivazhi which was established in the verge of Kali yug’s completion (in accordance with Aryabhata's calculation)under the grace of its founder is being believed to have rendered its followers from the cruel tentacles of Yama, the god of death and bestowing them with blissful life in paradise, free from the torments of age, death and disease. It has followers from as many as 69 different castes who after becoming its chosen members live as one big spiritual family, disregarding their previous caste identity and seeking heavenly benedictions from their spiritual master who is now beneath the soil enduring the “KANNI VIRAT DHAVAM”. The holy shrine inside the ashram is named the “ponnaranga devaaliyam” meaning the golden temple.

The daily rituals in the ashram include blowing of the divine trumpet, rising of the sacred flag which is usually white in color with an upward pointing crescent. These rituals are done with an objective of displaying their leader’s spiritual authority and also to welcome the outsiders. All the followers pay their obeisance to the god by offering him five times prayer consisting of praising of God, thanks giving to God and atonement of their sins .The place has over 1,000 inhabitants who live a life that is detached from the comforts of the material world, electricity, noise, and pollution. The village does not have any electrical aplliances and inhabitants depend on kerosene lamps and solar powered streetlights. Although it draws strongly on Hindu religious cults (Vaishnavism and Saiva), its initiator was born to a Muslim family, and Mevaizhi preaches the "oneness of essence" message of all the previous major scriptures, particularly Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and Christianity thereby taming serenity, glee, oneness in the hearts and souls of the followers. Meivazh’s followers adhere to the basic beliefs of all religions such as life after death (judgemnent day), hell, heaven, birth of Messengers, Prophets, Yogis, rishis, saints in different yugas send forth by God to carry out redemption of mankind from sins and sufferings. The followers of Meivazhi Salai Andavargal have sacrificed their deep sleep and lust. They do not indulge in smoking, drinking liquor, gambling, theft, and other dismal activities.

Meivahi Salai Andavargal life history:

Meivahi Andavargal's Coming has been prophesied in the Holy Books of all ages under various names as the Andavargal, Salai Andavargal, Marganadha Andavargal, Kalki, Mahadi, Veera Boga Vasanthar etc., all indicating His spiritual acts and deeds. His holiness was born on the year 1857 at Margampattai, a village in palani taluk, Madurai district in Tamil Nadu. He was then named Khader Badsha Rowther by his parents - father being Jamal Hussain Rowther and mother Periya Thayi. He had his primary education in the village elementary school and followed the profession of his father as an agriculturist. Even as a youth he had an innate thirst for a higher spiritual life and in his search, came across as many as twelve Gurus, all of whom he later discovered to be bogus ones. Ultimately he concluded that only through hata yoga, higher spiritual realisation could be attained and practised it to such an extent that he could lift his body 1 foot above the ground level. After marriage, he migrated to Kasukkaranpalayam where from small beginnings he build up a lucrative business as a wholesale

Meeting Of Thanigai Mani Vallal Piran: 

During one of his days as paddy merchant, he came across a very elderly person whom he happened to meet near his shop. He then invited this elderly person to his house where he was convinced that he was so far following a futile path (Hata Yoga), which was nothing but a short cut to hell, since he had already developed symptoms detrimental to normal health. During further discussions, he understood that the elderly person whom he confronted was his chosen Satguru. A week later after their acquaintance, his satguru Shri Thanigai Mani Vallal Piran baptized him through Bramhopadesam, the spiritual rebirth, at Kasukkaranpalayam.  


The first meeting of Salai Andavargal with the holy guest, his guru and entertaing him with milk, honey and ragi-dosai by Andavargal is celebrated as a festival during pournami day of the pangunai month(April), known as “Piravaa Naat Prapputh Thirunaal” Thiruvizha. Renouncing his family profession and all worldly attachments, for many years he followed his master as a shadow, covering on foot the entire South India. During this period he was bestowed with all the higher initiations and the Truth that all religion are one, and that their Moolamanthirams identical – there being one GOD and only universal brotherhood of religion – Onnre Kulam Oruvene Deven – known as Samarasa Sudha Sanmargam, a philosophy adumbrated by his predecessor Vadaloor Ramalinga Swamigal in the spiritual hierarchy.


After Akilavalam (a spiritual progression one undertakes with his holy Guru to understand and live out the divine attributes for achieving the sanctified path to enlightenment), he was engaged in tendering a flock of sheep at Reddiyapatti village to harness the quality of humbleness, at the order of his master Thanigai Vallal Piran, for a period of one year. This is annually celebrated as a festival “Aaadumeyippu Thirukkola katchi” shepherding man from the clutches of YAMA to his shelter, symbolically.


Thereafter he was directed to observe severe Thapas in the cave on the western side of Thirupparankunram hill (near Madurai) which he carried out for many years bereft of sleep and near starvation diet on Prickly pear (Kathali). Thereby he acquired divine symbols (sannadams) in his sacred hand – such us Udukkai, Vel, Shanku, Sakkaram etc. as well as “Khill Namam” which is now used by his followers as a their religions righteous symbol. His holiness acquiring the holy symbol is commemorated by celebrating the festival of “Kodaayudha Sannathath Thirukkappu Kangganath Thirunall“ in the month of Vaikasi(June) He was then christened “Maarganadhar” by his Guru. The savant then understood that his disciple Salai Andavargal is fully endowed with wit and power to commence his holy mission “Meivazhi”(True Path), and departed from him after persuading Salai Andavargal to proceed forward in his holy mission alone. Cladding himself in saffron robe, Andavargal first preached to sanyasis, but failed to turn them to true faith. Thereupon he understood that most of the sanyasis were impostors not because of their ignorance but deliberation to loot innocent people’s money for satisfying their lust and hunger. Andavargal then gave up the garb of sanyasi and took to preaching family people engaged in worldly occupations. Later at Thirupathur he married Panimathi Nachiyar as per his Guru’s wish

Salai Andavargal's Noble Endeavors:

The first Meivazhi Ashram was founded at Rajagambiram, and the next at Thirupathur where the Saba was registered in 1933. From small beginnings, the number of followers gradually increased, year by year. In 1939 he built the Ponnaranga Devalayam at Madurai (Aruppukkottai Road) and the saba was shifted to the new premises. In 1942 the then British Government acquired the place by paying Rs.1, 37, 750.00 as compensation. Consequently Andavargal migrated to the present site at Pappancahivaval (Meivazhi Salai)in 1942, purchasing the land for about Rs.6,000.00 and clearing the jungle land for habitation. Here he married Elya Nachiyar, younger sister of Panimathi Nachiyar. The saba was re-registered in 1944 (in the then Pudukkottai State) where it has been functioning ever since.

Unique excellence of Salai Andavargal:

Meivahi salai andavargal is endowed with all the Divine Symbols such as the Conch, the Chakra (the Wheel), the Vel, the Crescent - like KILNAMAM etc., on his holy palms[revealed to the realized ones, spiritually uplifted], in token of the Heavenly Titles conferred on Him by the Supreme God for carrying out His Great Mission. The distinctive signs, besides the Heavenly Tokens, that distinguish Him from the mushrooms of impostors, masquerading as master all over the world, and identify Him as the only True Master of the Age, are:-
  1. He has Conquered Slumber and Sleep. 
  2. The Breath never Passes out of His Nostrils. 
  3. He has Practically overcome the Need of Food. His mission, unparallelled in the history of spiritual hierarchy, consists, among many other spiritual values, in i) eradicating the falsehoods and half-truths about religions, ii) bringing home to man the Lost Truth that the very purpose of religion is to rescue him from the death-throes iii) baptizing with the spirit, thereby enlightening and expanding the dark and constricted heart and opening the vistas of soul, a series of eternal revelations iv) warning against the impending disaster and destruction, the whole universe is facing. v) offering mankind a helping hand to escape the 'sting of death' and to win the 'victory of the grave', and vi) resurrecting the dead which is evident even now from the fact that mere water taken at the word of His Command from His August Presence, passes through the gullet, as in live state, when administered to His true disciples, even many days after their final departure from the mortal coil to reach their rendezvous(heavenly destination), which is the Abode of Bliss.

Salai Andavargal message to the world:

We have a long history of endless and time-consuming human endeavor of search and research for the locating of the seat of the soul and region of reasoning and the where about of wisdom and knowledge-box in the human body. The research scientists acquire the heads of dead persons at a valuable price for conducting research to locate the seat of wisdom and its transcendental tract of reasoning in the physical body of the human race. The research scientists of the human bodies operate the human head and search for the seat of wisdom. This endless time-Consuming endeavor at a huge cost has resulted only in fruitless labor with negative result. With all their endeavor consuming time, energy and money, it is impossible for them to find this seat of wisdom and the soul of reasoning in the human body since they search in a place where it does not exist. It is our earnest desire to inform the human race to discontinue this wasteful endeavor of searching in a place where it does not exist. The spiritual, divine and basic axioms of all religions and all the divine descriptions of the scared names of GOD and the religious names which mankind has adopted denote only this seat of wisdom and region of reasoning. The immortal religions which exist for conquering death also denote the same thing. Therefore, Our message to the human race is that We know positively the location of the seat of wisdom and the soul of reasoning. Thousands of Our disciples in India and elsewhere also have been initiated into the divine knowledge about the seat of wisdom and soul

Exhibits Immortal Proof of Salvation:

Meivazhi says that the True God & the God's kingdom is present within our body. So our soul has to reach the True God present within our body so that it attains salvation at the time of death. This Immortal Salvation are taking place to people of Meivazhi till Today. Meivazhi teaches the way for our Soul to reach the true God present within our body so that it attains Salvationat the time of Death. There are 10 symptoms shown in body at the time of Death to find whether the person has attained Heaven or Hell. The symptoms of the person reaching the Heaven are
  1.  No bad stench of the body showing only pleasant aroma from the body. No discharge of foul-smelling liquid. 
  2. No stiffening of the body,Thus showing signs of flexibility of parts.
  3. The body will be light in weight like a flower-basket. 
  4. The body sweats as the people nearby sings the divine songs of Meivazhi Andavar. 
  5. The complete body exhibits warmness. 
  6. The natural conditions of the throat path. Hence the body takes in the holy water when given. 
  7. The knuckles giving out sound when cracked. 
  8. The disappearance of deformities such as hunch-back, with which they may have been afflicted. 
  9. The pure and pleasant state of the body reflecting youthfulness and cheerness blooming on the face. 
  10. The body does not decay after death. Also the earth does not affect the body even for years. Still more symptoms can be found in the body of Meivazhi people who attained Immortal Salvatio

Meivazhi's Dress Code:

The followers have their own spiritual dress code for both males and females which becomes mandatory while entering the ashram. Male who received the “Upadhesam” (the absolute spiritual enlightenment that takes aboard a person to celestial heaven when he is still alive and absolves him from all erroneous acts committed.), from Salai Andavargal, array themselves with saffron shirt and panchakacham (a traditional trouser worn by Hindus) and wear saffron turban, they are Christened as “Anandars” and all the other male followers who did not receive the Upadesam wear white turban and use clothes that are dyed with colors other than saffron and dark colors. Women who received the Upadesam wear sarees and cover their head with saffron scarf, while other women wear sarees and cover their head with saree’s end.


  1. Dear brother, how shall i reach you - any contact modes... mail / mobile.. - Saalai Kannan (9940391834)

  2. Can meivazhi salai member marry from other religion other than meivazhi community??

    1. Yes they can but they must be into the path of meivali there is no religion

  3. Hello Kiran! Divinity is one as every religion preaches. In other words the paths (religion) are different but the destination (Righteousness) is the same. God has been merciful in creating different religions which paved way that best suited culture, nature ways of life and so on during the time period under consideration to spiritual liberation. Though communities and religions may look drastically different for a mundane man, the basic enlightenment starts with understanding the oneness of religion. This is best illustrated by Andavargals story which goes as follows: "Once, people speaking different languages started fighting with one another over the fact what quenches one's thirst. The English man said its "Water"; The tamil speaking lad said, "Water" doesn't quench thirst, its only "Thanni" that quenches it. The Hindi man came running yelling, Neither "Water" nor "Thanni" quenches thirst but its "Paani". Finally a wise man came before them and placed a cup filled with water. It was only then all the three realized their foolishness and understood they all were right in their own way. Now Kiran, do get the catch that you need a wise man to show you what is water (the metaphor used here for enlightenment). This wise man (Andavargal) continues to live in Meivazhi Salai in our thoughts, deeds and holy scriptures.

    All that I am saying is, I don't see any point why you should'nt marry someone from another religion as long it falls under a legally binding marriage! :)

    1. So meivazhi salai member have also equal rights like others to marry the person of their choice irrespective of their religion caste creed even if the person they want to marry doesn't belong to meivazhi community?

    2. I have a small request to meivazhi i am following meivazhi community and believes and until i know i understood meivazhi rules and believes are so true and members among meivazhi have divine faith in god.... Knowing wanna request a hlp for myself my request is please in ur sabai every week and your ashram's prayer tell about how sinful it s to cheat , hurt and lie to someone who really care fr a person.... Im sure dis must hv already been said but my request is to aware people tat nt to hurt someone or avoid someone who cares and loves someone true heartedly.... Because meivazhi main moto is true path and when someone hurts a true person in life being in true path.... Its my kind request to meivazhi people i hope in someway it will hlp to pursue my dear one..... And meivazhi please pray for me and my true deed which i want to be fulfilled to get my love of my life..... Please pray for me and consider my request

    3. Hi kiran ..i can understand ur feelings sis..each individual will vary whatever and however the religion is ..all the fingers cannot be same..that person might be in an idea of marrying meivazhi person itself..and god is required only to save from clutches of death and soul.we by yourself for our sufferings of health worries etc we never pray..its upto each person to balance this life matters..

    4. Yes i do understand but not aftr expressing love towards the person and refusing it.. I hope in Every aspect and religion tats wrng tats wat i am telling

    5. Hello Kiran, I too agree with the anonymous writer’s view. Religious laws are not to be confused with worldly laws. Let’s look at this from both the perspective. On a Religious view point: God heads themselves suffered from so many misfortunes. For instance, Jesus was crucified, Ram was dethroned and made to live with his wife in a forest full of miseries, Moses was constantly perturbed by his brother and so on. My point here is everything happens for a reason, if your preference has been denied maybe god has better plans for you. You know what they say, "If what you wished has happened its good but if it’s not, then it’s even better because now it’s God's wish. On a world note: Not one person here who has not gone through up and low in their love life, even I have been through break ups :) but that’s not the end to it. Think big, take it as a challenge, learn something new, meet new people, achieve new milestones (Remember your carrier won't wake up one morning and say I don't love you anymore). It’s easier said than done, I know but that’s the way of life. Stop self-pitying yourself and live your life the full size. Cheers!

    6. Yeah right.if that person has cheated u that person has to face for it.not u.progress with ur future positively..there are many beautiful things to be attained in this world..go ahead.buckle up sis.

  4. What if your faith is just another successful spiritual entrepreneurship clicked with semi educated founders?

    How are you 100% sure if the death signs attesting a person being in heaven or hell? What if a holy person dies in plane crash? will he still be 'blooming' as you claim?

    I find your faith very confusing. How would your god account to other billions of people in this planet who will live and die without even knowing your leader who also died?

    You do not seem to address the rest of mankind, and appear to be just another sect among hundreds who claim themselves as god or only means to god.

    For example, how are you relevant to a tribal man in Amazon or Mongolia or Congo who have not and will not care about Yama? If you say it is not for people outside your geo political region, does not God care for every single life? How many Gods do you believe in? Is your leader God? If so, how and why should I believe?

    1. You are right in every way to ask these questions and thank you for not being judgemental and posting all your concerns as questions and not conclusions already. 6 out 10 people who joined our faith back in those days when our spiritual savant was in his mortal form were atheist and later, after hearing his wise words became steadfast devotees! Blind faith is for fools, our lord always appreciated inquisitive people. Coming to your point, our faith is not a spiritual enterprise! Registration is always free, our lord was an agriculturist by profession, his family thrived by cultivating paddy, rice, etc in this very holy land. Read his history on how he acquired the land. There are no founders but just a single founder! He's not even educated but his education in spirituality is unfathomable. Don't believe me? Come here and read his books yourself.

      Our lord used to say a mango is green when it's unripe and turns yellow when it ripe. If a silly fruit has a sign for transition from one form to another, won't human the most loved creation of God won't have a sign when they transit from Earth to heaven or earth to hell? None of the person who believed in him has died of plane crash and none will; so I refrain from commenting further.

      I agree! it's a pity indeed that millions of people are dying without knowing him but this is not new to this demonic world. Krishna in his time showed his Vishwaroop to just 5 pandavas, droupathi, his mother! Jesus had just 12 devotees, ramanuja too had finite devotees, Socrates had just one and I can go on. Basically people are egoistic fools, they don't realise the worth of such holy men until they are long gone. So give Salai also some time, many many will start following it in the distant future.

      Karma is the law here! You really think I can convince you? Maktub is an Arabic world which means it's written! But one can win the fate with their brain but again that's subjective, like Murphy's law for instance. A man who is born in Amazon or such far off places has to go indeed the hard way to find Salai but that's karma and one has to reap it, like it or not!

      Basically brother/sister please don't believe in what I say or what you read. If you think this is true to you, you are most welcomed to follow otherwise you can leave. This is very close to what even Buddha said in his last but one message to the world.

      Take it easy and please don't spam my blog! I would have appreciated if you could have consolidated all your questions in one comment! Perhaps going forward. And yes GOD IS ONE but many forms! Cheers :)

  5. To quote you:
    "Also, every form of God (avatars), Goddess, Messengers, Prophets, Saints were not born enlightened, but its only after undergoing a minimum of 12 years rigorous trance (Think about it Lord Jesus, Buddha, Shri Ram, Sri-Krishna, Guru Nanak , Moses and all the others would have undergone a minimum of 12 years detour from their normal way of life) under the guidance of their divine Master(/Angle/Guru/God many more names from various religion) they became enlightened and conquered death. If divine beings themselves had to undertake such an arduous path then, why should any saint and religious leaders of today's world who wants to understand god and attain salvation be any different?"

    You are essentially saying everybody should re-invent the wheel!

    1. I am not asking to re-invent the wheel. To put it in your context, I am asking everyone to pay heed to how the wheel was invented fundamentally.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Quoting again:
    "Meivahi Andavargal's Coming has been prophesied in the Holy Books of all ages under various names as the Andavargal, Salai Andavargal, Marganadha Andavargal, Kalki, Mahadi, Veera Boga Vasanthar etc.,"

    So one can believe in your God ONLY if he/she can believe in those Hindu prophecies. Billions of other faith do not and cannot buy into your claim!

    1. Yes! Oneness of God is the basics of this and every other religion. If you don't think all religions preach the same message including hinduism then tough luck brother/sister. Besides Mahadi/Marganadha ( I missed out Meitreya, my bad :)) these are not God names from hinduism. Please!

    2. Didn't really mean to spam. Why not your faith stand on your own rather than taking endorsement from other beliefs and prophecies?

      You are acknowledging the legitimacy of prophecies in other faith (you claim your God as the promised messiah). How can you then reject other parts of their scriptures and later developments? Like when people accept Jesus as their messiah?

      And many throughout centuries have claimed they are the promised messiahs and gods and have faded away.I suppose many will claim in future too. I struggle to see how you stand out.

    3. If we are taking endorsement from other beliefs and prophecies it means we are appreciate and respect all the religion just as our own. I think you are getting it ALL WRONG! Never did we reject any part of other people's scriptures or later development. We do acknowledge Jesus as the messiah or Moses as the pervious and so and so forth. We see Jesus in Andvargal, Moses in Andavaragal. For instance Catholic pray to Jesus and Mary, while Protestants don't pray to Mary. This is perspective and you have no rights to complain about this.

      I accept your view point too that many have claimed in the past both the true ones and the fake ones and many might in the future. To decide who is the ture Messaih is subjective and common sense. Let me quote you this yet again:

      "Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." - Buddha

      All throughout the blog you only see what we perceive about our God! Many find it rational and they believe in this faith. I can perceive any god in any form and nobody has the right to complain including yourself.

  7. On "The symptoms of the person reaching the Heaven".. all the points you have mentioned only worries about body and does not not suggest a way to judge a person's character, holiness etc.. And you are saying you are not worried about "physical" and "material" things, but unseen spiritual things. Where? Joke!!

    1. Lets get the usage of words correct! Physical pleasure and physical body well being are entirely two different things. We are averse to physical pleasure but respect physical well being. Again we are averse to Physical pleasure doesn't mean we are phobic to physical pleasure. Lao Tzu has once said "Watch your thoughts it becomes words, watch your words it becomes action, watch your action it becomes a habit, watch your habit it becomes your character, watch your character it becomes your destiny. Worries about body or the way you die is your destiny which has its inception with wise words, character, holiness, etc. and who teaches you such things? a chosen savant. Hope you got my point.

  8. "The village does not have any electrical aplliances and inhabitants depend on kerosene lamps and solar powered streetlights."

    Outside the village where majority of you live, you use everything right? of course you are using internet right now!

    How does that make somebody a better human being? Can you say you have not or will not used any product or service of mordern world. by that life style what are trying to emphasize?

    1. First of all, the world is turing towards saving energy and going green! On a general note you got to give it to these people for already setting standards for people of the world by adopting whats best for the world. Its easy for anybody to criticize but think again.

      Imagine if the whole world starts to become vegetarian or starts using solar powered street light, kerosene lamp, etc. The world will be off the grid on global warming. This has got nothing to do with spirituality. Perhaps our leader just emphasized this way of life to pay respect to the nature or to live in harmony with it.

      I don't really need to comment on your allegations that "Outside the village where majority of you live, you use everything right? of course you are using internet right now!" you yourself pointed out its outside the village.

    2. For some reasons I am not entirely convinced that when they chose to live that way, they had the "green" cause as fundamental driving force.

    3. Fair enough! Don't be convinced! I leave the choice to you! I know I spoke the truth. Besides Spirituality has nothing to do with living under thatched roof or facing the darkness with kerosine Lamp! Great Spiritual leaders like Krishna, Ram, Muhammed (SAW), etc. have lived their lives as kings yet set path to righteousness for millions of followers. The point here is be a pauper or a king but a holy person will subconsciously remain detached to such materialistic pleasure. But, It is definitely easier to practise this if you are already leading a modest life.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The distinctive signs, besides the Heavenly Tokens, that distinguish Him from the mushrooms of impostors, masquerading as master all over the world, and identify Him as the only True Master of the Age, are:-
    1) He has Conquered Slumber and Sleep.
    2) The Breath never Passes out of His Nostrils.

    Seriously? How do these make a person God?

    1. I understand the above two points sounds silly to someone who is exposed to the outside world. This blog is a minuscule compilation of our lord's history and miracles. These two points indeed makes one a Holy man. Its a pity I cannot prove this to you because our lord is no more in his mortal form but there are billion of other miracles that happens even today with every single honest believer that baffles even science.

      By the way Bible says "Isaiah 2:22 (ASV) Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils; for wherein is he to be accounted of?" supporting point 2 to differentiate holy men from mundane men. Seriously? Do your research well. Now please don't ask me what about other religion, it will be there somewhere in those religions as well. Before I told you about this Bible verse did you know it existed?

    2. Yes it is a pity you cannot prove it to me, or anyone for that matter if you say he is dead and so the show is closed, but hear from earlier audiences.

      I don't get why you should quote Bible. If I am treating that quote coming from you seriously, why should I not consider the same warning from bible concerning many people coming in future claiming to be gods? if you are going by Bible, then you will be in place to accept Jesus as God. If you seriously quote Quran, then you will not raise a man's profile to that of a deity. But don't you appear to us as being cherry-picking verses from everywhere but reject other parts to suit your needs?

      So can I take that you are comfortable relying on the bible to claim your leader as God,but rejecting the totality of its message?

    3. Significant number of world religion's leaders and related stories don't have historical proof. So what's your point here? If you can't prove, you shouldn't talk about? Thats's just ridiculous.

      Christianity or any religion for the matter is not restricted to only the followers but for the entire mankind. Nobody needs anybody's permission to quote or follow it. Who is the right messiah is entirely subjective. We find Andvaragal has interpreted the religious books right, Cheery picked verses from various religion without disapproving other verses to make us relalize that essence of all religion is the same but the path is different and helped us overcome fear of death right royally to which we have proof.

      Please get your facts right before you text in public forums. I had to delete few of your comments as they are very sensitive and offending other people's sentiments. Appreciate if you can stop leaving any further comments. The temple is always open, you can drop by for any further clarification. Have a pleasant stay on earth.

  10. " Founder and leader - Brahma Prakasa Salai Andavargal, believed to be the incarnation of God expected by all religious holy scriptures. "

    You will conveniently use all scriptures to introduce your new God to their Scripture. You need their words but you tell them this man is the newly incarnated God. How does this work??

    You do not believe in idol worship but do you realize you have idolized him in your followers minds?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. There is no New God, Old God, Your God, My God but Just God! He is the beginning and the end! The Alpha and the Omega! He is author of all the Scriptures but wrote them under different pen names. The message is same, the content is same, the author is same but the way it was expressed was different to best suit people's time, culture, etc. However, with passage of time people misinterpreted on the message so he reincarnates again to reestablish his message. To make things better, he also leaves hints or prophecies about his next arrival. He is a God to all and everyone has the right over any religion. Who's permission does anybody need? Legally speaking also, India is a secular country and all you need is common sense which is again subjective.

    We find many matches of such prophecies with life and teachings of Andavargal. We believe it, life is good! You don't wanna believe? Good for you.

    Again Idol worship and idolising someone are two different things. I idolise Steve Jobs for my work life but that does not necessary mean I have a statue of him at home and do pooja to it. Peace out!!!

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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  15. I need to know the social practices followed there.Can you tell me in detail?

  16. I need to know the social practices followed there.Can you tell me in detail?

  17. Dear Brother,

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